#mysql Channel Guidelines/Rules
We do not have any truly formal set of rules beyond the obvious, but here are some recommendations:
The use of "SELECT * " is forever banned from the channel. Anyone using it, asking about it, or suggesting will be kicked. Read more about it: http://www.parseerror.com/sql/select*isevil.html
Just ask your question and wait for someone to help. Asking if anyone is alive, or repeating yourself, is annoying.
No flooding (more than three lines of 80 column text) without permission. Use Pastebin or #flood.
No private messages without permission.
Off-topic conversation is fine so long as no one needs help with an on-topic issue. This rule is heavily enforced.
Bashing ANY RDBMS will get you kickbanned. They all have their merits.
If the SQL bot is present, it can search the manual for you. ex: !man select syntax
No one is being paid to help you here. Sometimes you get what you pay for.